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Hey There!  Welcome.  We are the Larsons-Curtis, Laura, Everett and Greyleigh

We have been married for 11 years and have two children, Everett (7) and Greyleigh (4), two chickens and a furry friend--and sometimes foe--Axle.  This is our tribe and we've grown a passion for taking it on the road ever since we bought our '71 Nomad camper.  We've made a few interior alterations to it and hope to complete some more projects soon, but we are still happy to call this our home away from home.  We love the midwest and are hearty, hard core Minnesotans.  Nearly every trip we've taken with the Nomad has been in Minnesota.  And though we've lived here all our lives, it's amazing what new adventures we find ourselves on each trip.  It's truly a beautiful state.  We hope to encourage other families to get outside and camp--or glamp--and to give you the confidence that you can totally do this with your family too!  From the sites we visits, to the meals we make and the activities we end up entertaining ourselves with, please follow along with us for the ride and be inspired by the great outdoors!

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