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Own Your Actions

* Indicates Life and Work Skills

Understanding Your Behaviors

Behavior Journal

decorate journals in which they write about their week's behavior and how they handled problems that came up. Every few days,  review a handful of journals and write suggestions and encouraging comments. At the end of the week, kids take their journals home to share with their parents.

* Problem Solving


Lessons on Apologizing and printable worksheets + activities:

Being Respectful

Use Math and graphs to talk about respect! Have students conduct a survey to discover the most common put downs they hear at school. (be prepared for students to be brutally honest). As a class make a list of the top five most used.  Have the students collect data by watching and listening during one day to discover how many times they hear these put downs. Present the data in bar graphs.  Use this opportunity to discuss respect among peers and how we can react to such put downs.  


*Being Focused and Self Directed



The Carrot Seed

Whistle for Willie

The Little Red Hen Make a Pizza

Lemonade in Winter

Dinosaurs before Dark


Some great ideas to instill SDL (self directed learning) into the classroom:


Focus activities:


K-2 Second Step lesson on focus/attention:  Ask Mrs. Larson about these if interested!


Fun lessons/activities on following directions:


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