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Tier 1 and Tier 2 Systems of Support

Soar Matrix

A series of expectations built around different areas of the school that encompass the schools PBIS model of SOAR (safety, owning actions, act with leadership, be resourceful). Each part of the matrix can be broken down to represent different locations in the school and the behaviors expected there.  

Life and Work Skills (previously termed as ELF)

Click here for more information on the five attributes. 

Restorative Circles

Restorative practices provide the school community with a means to hold scholars accountable to those impacted in a compassionate manner. Through our restorative practices, impact is understood, harms are healed, relationships restored and future decision-making improved.  This is either done by way of classroom circles, restorative chats/mediation or restorative conferences with all stakeholders involved.


SEL stands for Social Emotional Learning.  Click here to learn more about it's purpose and succes.

Second Step

Second Step is a research based SEL curriculum developed to enhance the social and emotional learning of students.  It focuses on skills for learning, feelings, empathy and problem solving.  Click here to see more about this curriculum. 


ENVoY (Educational Non-Verbal Yardsticks) is a set of non-verbal classroom management skills and strategies that educators use in order to foster student independence and maximize engagement, while preserving relationships between the adults and the children. Click here for more information on the program. 

Mind Up

Mind up is a science centered and evidence based program that is grounded in four pillars: neuroscience, social-emotional learning, positive psychology and mindful awareness.  Its lessons provide enlightenment in self discover and can improve academics and all around social and emotional health. Click here for more information on the program. 

Zones of Regulation

The Zones is a systematic, cognitive behavior approach used to teach self-regulation by categorizing all the different ways we feel and states of alertness we experience into four concrete zones-red, yellow, green and blue.  The Zones curriculum provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of, and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses, managing their sensory needs, and improving their ability to problem solve conflicts.  Click here for more on the Zones Curriculum. 

Responsive Classroom

Responsive Classroom is an evidence-based approach to teaching that focuses on engaging academics, positive community, effective management, and developmental awareness. Click here to learn more about the Responsive Classroom way.

Buddy Room

A branch of the Responsive Classroom structure that allows students to enter a new classroom environment for a short time in order to have a break from the environment they first were struggling in.

Take a Break

A branch of the Responsive Classroom Structure that allows students to take a break when needed or when asked.  This time is given to calm, reflect and think about how to be successful when the break is over.  

Peer Mediation

Peer mediation is problem solving by students with students. It is a process by which two or more students involved in a dispute meet in a private, safe and confidential setting to work out problems with the assistance of a trained student mediator.  Our mediators are on call and are trained in problem solving techniques, restorative chats and making agreements or contracts to be proactive in the future of their relationship.  Students involved in physical or harmful altercations will not be referred to a peer mediator for safety purposes. 

Eagle Zone

The Eagle Zone is an environment that can be used to meet the cognitive, physical, sensory and emotional challenges of students within a supportive, safe and structured environment.  It is PROACTIVE and used for scheduled breaks to include teaching of emotional regulation skills such as the Zones of Regulation.   

Affinity Groups

Affinity groups exist and come together for individuals to better understand themselves and in turn, the world around them.  They can instill confidence, hope and a sense of belonging for those involved. The purpose of these groups is to provide a safe space where culture and race can be discussed and to reinforce the cultural strengths.  Right now at Woodland we hold affinity groups for our Black/African/African American students as well as our Asian students.  

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